sábado, 1 de março de 2008


There´s a hole in my heart,
a blank in my mind and soul,
you tried to destroy it all,
but i will just let you go,
maybe i always knew,
you never truly deserved me...
You´re right ,
I am worth it all,
much more you could ever give me,
We got along well,
we had good things we shared,
but hardly we could go much far,
you´re after impossible things,
impossible dreams,
you never could reach the importance,
of our true and simple things,
I am too much real,
too much honest,
too much pure,
and totally free...
Fight for you impossible dreams,
hard to get lovers,
I am too much for you right now,
perhaps for now and ever...
there´s no way you could reach so high,
or achieve the precious me...
you're too much addicted into all things,
sometimes too obscure...
and i am much too free...
Wish you well, I do!!...
And i truly thank you,
for letting me go...
Just let me be!!
I´m not a blank,
I´m not a hole,
I´m not an addiction,
I´m not a problem...
I am just the simplest person there could be,
you look and dig deep inside, in and out,
and this is all there is...
this you see is truly Me,
I am like I am,
A real being, a free soul,
This is Me!!
Hardly we could ever be...
You are not ready,
You are not free!

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Ai Amiga,
valha-nos a todos que o teu coração é mesmo muito grande e resistente!!
Que tal deixares de dar troco a gente perdida?!...desculpa, tinha que te dizer!!:-((
Estou aqui sempre, tu sabes!!
E com tanta demora na tampa para a tua panela, acho que a Angelina larga o Brad um dia destes por Ti!!
Beijos muitos